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Hydro-Kennebec Fish Passage

Waterville, Maine

Starting July 5, 2016 Bancroft began construction of an 11-million-dollar upstream fish passage facility for Brookfield Renewable Power. The new fish passage is located on the east bank of the Kennebec river just downstream of the Hydro-Kennebec Dam which spans the river between the towns of Winslow and Waterville, Maine.


Bancroft Contracting served as general contractor for the project. We relied on subcontractors McGee Construction for site earthwork, HB Fleming for construction of an upstream cellular cofferdam, Maine Drilling and Blasting for line drilling and blasting ledge, and Rioux Electric for electrical work.


Aside from managing the subcontracted work, Bancroft provided skilled crews which self-performed the entire remaining scope of work, amounting to about 80% of the project. Bancroft crews constructed a downstream sheet-pile cofferdam, de-watered the worksite, installed 5,200 cubic yards of complex cast-in-place concrete structures, tied and installed 508,000 pounds of re-bar, 140 tons of structural steel, six mechanically operated gates, 550 linear feet of 4.5 and 5-foot diameter butt-welded attraction water piping, as well as the entire proprietary fish-lift system, with a wide array of miscellaneous metals including steel grating, stairs, and handrails.

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